About me































Who I am...

Taís Carmela Palmieri


Born in Minas Gerais, Brasilien, 30th. Juni 1978.



Art Education/Therapy, Illustration, Fine Arts and Graphic Design.


What, where and when...

Bachelor in Art Education/ Fine Arts & Graphic Design at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brasilien,  Feb. 2000 - July 2004.



August 2004 start in Germany.


May 2006

Opening the Studio "Atelier der aktivierten Seele", Stuttgart, together with Martin Scholz/Body-of-Art -

Work on Art & Photography


Sep. 2007

Re-opening the Studio with gallery, Stuttgart.


Nov. 2007

Start of the handicrafts project „Kunsthandwerk zur Eule“


February 2013

Collaboration with Art & Auctionhouse Winter, Neuss.


May 2015

Entering the artists & illustrators collective PopSugarArtists {HQ: Hampton/USA}


Ab Mai 2016

Guidance of the Project KreativHaus Viersen, Tertia, Viersen



Feb. 2001 - April 2001

Mulheres (Women), Galeria Experimental Espaço Guaçuí, Juiz de Fora, Brazil 


Mai 2002 - July 2002

Esquisito Exposto (Exposed curiosities), Espaço Cultural Biblioteca Central UFJF, Juiz de Fora, Brazil 


Oct.2002 - Nov. 2002

Das Coisas Nascem Coisas (From things to things), Galeria Experimental Espaço Guaçuí, Juiz de Fora, Brazil 


Sep. 2003 - Oct. 2003

Rascunhos (Sketches), Galeria de Arte do Fórum da Cultura, Juiz de Fora, Brazil 


July 2004 - Sep. 2004

Projeto Universidarte, Faculdade Estácio de Sá, Juiz de Fora, Brazil 


Aug. 2007 - Sep. 2007

Brazilian Exhibiton, Hessen Center, Frankfurt, Germany 


14. Nov. 2007 - 29. Nov. 2007

The Real Nature, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany


07. Dec. 2007 - 16. Dec. 2007

The Real Nature, Galerie in der Zehntscheuer, Stuttgart, Germany 


13. December 2016

Das KreativHaus inspiriert..., Generatorenhalle, Viersen, Germany 


20. August 2017

Viersen Open Art, Lyzeumsgarten, Viersen, Germany 


19. August 2018

Viersen Open Art, Lyzeumsgarten, Viersen, Germany 


22. Sep. - 1. Oct. 2018

The Perfect Ten, La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, CA, USA